
Kit Rae Cinthorc Sword of Justice Miekka

Alkuperäinen hinta oli: 328,00 €.Nykyinen hinta on: 199,00 €. (sis. alv.)

Loistava fantasia miekka,aivan uskomaton muotoiltu.Kit Raen mestari teos.

Tekniset tiedot:

Terän pituus:812mm
Terän paksuus: 4mm
Terän materiaali: 420 J2 ruostumaton teräs
Kahva materiaali: Kokometallinen antiikki/silver, ruostumaton teräs lanka kädensija, rat-tail tang rakenne.
Art Print: Sisältää taide posterin.

Varasto loppu

Tuotetunnus (SKU): 102259 Osasto:


Cinthorc is the seventh sword of the Swords of the Ancients. Its power is to deal out just punishment to wrong doers. The thorny hilts are intertwined with silver vines and engraved upon the crossguard is an incantation of the Ancients. The grip is wire-wrapped and the pommel is forged as a flower surrounding a red thorcan jewel; a powerful talisman of the Anath.

A superb fantasy blade, masterfully crafted with an incredible and innovative creative vision. Makes an excellent gift!


Overall length: 42-5/8″
Blade Length: 32″
Blade Thickness: 3/16″
Blade Material: 420 J2 stainless steel
Handle material: Cast metal antique silver finish, stainless steel twisted wire-wrapped handgrip, rat-tail tang construction.
Art Print: Includes a free art print with each swor


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